BOUND | 2012-2014
I FIXED YOU | 2014
I FIXED YOU references the relationship between addiction and codependency. Specifically in these works, I am focused on the nature of the non-addict to "take care" of the addict (s) in their life eventually forgetting their own needs/ desires. The old railroad ties are reflections to an over-functioned, overused and eventually discarded self. By wrapping bandages over and over again around these forms, I perform the redundant behaviour of a codependent to "fix" a situation with materials/ skills that are inadequate and uninformed. The wrapping builds to take on a counter form around and/ or through the stiff aged wooden structures; having its own weight/ volume, it sometimes becomes an awkward burden instead of being a source of support or balance.
A reflection of the dynamics within most "normal" nuclear families...functional, but often stiff; dependent upon but isolated and/ or unengaged with each other.